Make the most of your listing on the Scottish Hostels website by updating it as often as you like.
It's free to do as part of your membership, and easy too. Update any time of the day and see your changes online instantly.
Simply follow the guide below and if you need help, please email us and we will be happy to help.
You can change and update pretty much everything relating to your hostel, but here's some useful hints to help you make the most of this feature:
- Add a range of good, high quality images to showcase your hostel and surrounding area to appeal to visitors.
- Select the awards you have and what Welcome Schemes you are part of.
- Tick all relevant facilities, reasons to stay, and what's near by filters that apply to your hostel. It will help your listing appear in more places throughout the website, such as our pages about dog friendly and family friendly hostels and long distance hiking.
- Add your social media links to help visitors find you and connect with you easily.
- Keep your prices and opening times up-to-date throughout the year.
- Add some details about yourself and an image too. This will appear within the Your Hosts section of your hostel listing. It's nice to welcome your guests this way.
Complete as much information as you possibly can within your listing using the available fields. It will help potential guests know more about your hostel and encourage them to book with you.